
拥有 2500 多年历史的中医药 (TCM) 因其对人体的整体益处而广受欢迎,它平衡我们的阴阳,疏通经络中的气,被认为有助于恢复身体机能。



《黄帝内经》中记载:怒伤肝,喜伤心,思伤脾,悲伤肺,恐伤肾。由此可见,健康状态与我们人体的七情六欲有着密切的相关。因为,我们的健康与身体机能, 生理和情绪是息息相关的。

康寿中医中心 Kang Shou TCM Centre combines external treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, and other studied modalities are used according to each patient's condition and unique body constitution, with the aim of restoring the biology of the body and bringing the balance back to normal.