Cupping therapy is an alternative medicine. Localised suction is applied to the area of concern to help alleviate the symptoms with heated cups. With cupping, the negative and the positive energies are balanced within the body. The ability for the body to resist pathogens, increase blood flow, and reduce pain is thought to be improved by restoring balance between these two extremes.
How Does Cupping Work?
It is the TCM belief that stagnated qi and obstruction in blood circulation cause pain and diseases. The treatment reduces swelling, pain, and tension by stimulating the local circulation of qi and promoting blood flow in the treated area. As a result, toxins are removed. Physiologically, cupping loosens connective tissue and stimulates blood flow to the surface.
Benefits of Cupping?
In the teaching of TCM, Cupping improves overall health by removing the energy blockages that TCM practitioners identify as barriers to the flow of healthy energy or qi. For athletes, cupping may help increase blood flow to a particular muscle region or help reduce pain. Numerous athletes from the Olympics in Rio 2016 used cupping. This was easily seen by circular markings on some of the U.S. swim team members.