With more than 2,500 years of history, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has gained popularity for its holistic benefits to the human body. It balances our yin (阴)and yang (阳), unblocks the "Qi" (气) in our meridiens, and is believed to aid in restoring bodily functions.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of Qi or has two main branches. There is the physical or nourishing portion of "Qi" that makes up the air, water, and food that we take in. The other branch of "Chi" is more insubstantial. It is the vital fluids and the energy itself that flows through our bodies.
It is recorded in the ancient wisdom of Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor that, anger hurts the liver, joy hurts the heart, thinking hurts the spleen, sadness hurts the lung, and fear hurts the kidney. Thus, it is apparent that the state of health is closely related to the health of our seven emotions. Our health, it is said, is as a result and reflection of the harmony in our body, mind and general well-being.
Kang Shou TCM Centre combines external treatments such as Acupuncture (针灸), Moxibustion (五行艾灸), Cupping (拔罐), Gua Sha (刮痧) and other studied modalities applied according to each patient's condition and unique body constitution, with the aim of restoring the health by bringing balance back to the body.
Acupuncture resolves pain, improves sleep, digestive function, and sense of
Cupping relieves muscle tension, which can improve overall blood flow and promote cell repair.
Moxibustion brings a general improvement in a person's health. It can help restore the body's strength and slow down the aging process.